Alex Carter

Large-Scale Study Identifies Main Complications Following COVID-19 Vaccines

Researchers analyzed data from 99 million individuals to assess neurological, hematological, and cardiovascular complications after administering different types of vaccines. The study confirmed the risks of certain severe diagnoses, though scientists still describe the negative consequences in absolute terms as low. Scientists from the Global Vaccine Data Network presented the results of the largest study…

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Brain Stimulation at 40 Hz Clears Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

Scientists have identified a mechanism that initiates the process of clearing brain tissue from amyloid proteins through exposure to a 40 Hz frequency. These results point to the possibilities of a simple and effective therapy and prevention for various neurodegenerative diseases. In 2016, researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology noticed the positive impact of…

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Not All Advanced Alien Civilizations May Escape Their Planets

Whether extraterrestrial civilizations and other intelligent beings exist remains unknown, though scientists have long speculated on this topic. In the mid-20th century, astrophysicist Frank Drake formulated an equation to estimate the number of extraterrestrial civilizations in the galaxy based on variables such as the number of sun-like stars, planets with suitable conditions, or the time…

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Epigenetic Editing Potentially Lowers Cholesterol Levels Permanently

Scientists have presented the results of a remarkable preclinical study that employs an epigenetic approach instead of traditional gene editing. In this method, DNA sequences are not cut and replaced — instead, scientists merely adjust the activity of specific genes. This treatment has already led to the normalization of cholesterol levels in mice. Epigenetic editing…

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Discovery Points to the Efficacy of Treating Genetic Eye Diseases with Antibiotics

A study by scientists from Germany and the United Kingdom could alter the treatment paradigm for certain hereditary diseases. Preclinical experiments have demonstrated a link between gut bacteria and genetic pathologies of the retina, which can lead to blindness. It was found that antibacterial therapy successfully addresses tissue damage, but now these results have led…

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