ChatGPT The Chinese lunar module carrying samples from the far side of the moon is already on its way back to Earth

Today at 02:38 Moscow time, the Chinese automatic interplanetary station “Chang’e-6” successfully launched from the Moon into a selenocentric orbit. On board the probe are rare samples of lunar soil collected from the far side of the satellite. If the remaining stages of the space expedition proceed as smoothly, the valuable cargo will arrive on…

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NASA plans to send another probe to the asteroid Didymos to understand where it is currently heading

In October of this year, the European Space Agency (ESA) plans to launch the Hera probe to thoroughly investigate the Didymos and Dimorphos double asteroid system. This mission will follow up on NASA’s experiment, during which the DART probe collided with Dimorphos in 2022. This collision was intended to test whether Earth could be protected…

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South Korea Aims to Become One of the World’s Leading Space Powers

Successful South Korean companies like Samsung and SK hynix started decades ago by copying the technologies and achievements of competitors from the USA and Japan, eventually surpassing them in both innovation and production volumes. Now, the South Korean government aims to replicate this success in the space sector. The newly established space agency, led by…

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