Brain Stimulation at 40 Hz Clears Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

Scientists have identified a mechanism that initiates the process of clearing brain tissue from amyloid proteins through exposure to a 40 Hz frequency. These results point to the possibilities of a simple and effective therapy and prevention for various neurodegenerative diseases.

In 2016, researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology noticed the positive impact of gamma rhythm on brain tissue showing signs of neurodegeneration. Since then, they have conducted numerous experiments involving humans and laboratory animals, and finally figured out how the 40 Hz frequency affects the brain.

According to new data, the cleansing of the brain from amyloid proteins toxic to neurons occurs through the glymphatic system: exposure to light and sound at a 40 Hz frequency stimulates interneurons to release several types of peptides, which aid in combating neurodegeneration.

Notably, such exposure expands the diameter of the vessels of the glymphatic system, through which the proteins are expelled. Scientists have already confirmed the effectiveness of the treatment in mouse models.

Understanding the entire mechanism of clearing nerve tissue from the main signs of neurodegeneration, scientists can develop new methods for treating Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, as well as other types of dementia. It is not yet clear how long the therapeutic effect lasts and how it will affect the main symptoms — the decline in cognitive functions in patients. Further clinical research should assess this.

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